We are at a time now where we have come to the understanding that if we do not take care of our planet, we are not taking care of our children’s future. We are each responsible for setting a positive example to our children; to empower them and give them the tools, knowledge and confidence to work in and with nature. Demonstrating how our actions, however small, can have a positive impact on the planet and their future.
If we can teach our children to love nature, they are far more likely to take care and nurture their environment when they are older.
"Unless we are willing to encourage our children to reconnect with and appreciate the natural world, we cannot expect them to help protect and care for it" David Suzuki.
Why are bees so important?
Bees are imperative to the natural circle of life on our planet. They are one of the world’s most important pollinators as they are able to pollinate on a huge scale, unlike other pollinators like wind, birds, bats and other insects.
According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, approximately 80% of all flowering plants are specialised for pollination by animals, mostly insects (which includes bees). Pollination is crucial because many of our vegetables, fruits and the crops that feed our livestock rely on it to be fertilised.
It has been estimated that it would cost farmers in the UK an incredible £1.8 billion per year to manually pollinate their crops, which just further emphasises the importance of bees who provide us with every third mouthful of food we eat!

Why do bees need help?
Since the 1900’s, the UK has lost 20 species of bee, and a further 35 are considered under threat of extinction. This is partly due to a rise in the use of pesticides across the world, and partly to the fact we have fewer habitats with the wildflowers bees need.
Teaching our kids
By teaching our children about bees, it is more likely they will want to help them. There are so many fun ways to learn about bees and an abundance of learning resources available.
Some children are nervous of bees due to their potential sting. The best tool against fear is education and by learning about bees, children can begin to understand that these tiny creatures are much more than buzzing, stinging insects.
How to inspire kids to learn about bees
Set up a bee play and craft table; include bee books from your local library, printed worksheets and craft materials.
Have your Nature Nurture Kids Bee Rescue Kit on hand to help out a tired bee – there is so much to see and learn by watching a close up encounter of a feeding bee.
Go on a bug hunt in your garden.
Book a local guided Bee Walk.
Record and identify bees you see in your garden.
Keep a nature diary.
Book a local bee keeping talk/demonstration.
Do bee crafts – see our latest blog on how to make a simple bee for your wildflower seed bomb garden.
How kids can help bees

Create a wildflower patch in your garden.
Build a bee house.
Use their Nature Nurture Kids Bee Rescue Kit to help out tired bees.
Create a bee watering station in your garden.
Plant a herb garden.
10 Fun facts to keep kids interested
There are more than 20,000 species of bees.
Bees have five eyes and six legs.
Bees can see all colours except red.
Each bee has 170 odorant receptors, giving them an incredible sense of smell to sniff out flowers!
Honey bees live in hives (or colonies). The members of the hive are divided into three types: Queen, Workers, and Drones.
The average beehive can house around 50,000 bees.
Worker bees can visit 50 – 100 flowers in one single trip to collect nectar.
The queen bee can lay over 2,500 eggs per day.
It takes 21 days for an egg to develop into an adult bee.
Honey bees can fly at a speed of around 25km per hour and beat their wings 200 times per second.
For more information and resources for your kids, head to https://friendsoftheearth.uk/nature/bees-fun-facts-and-activities-children